Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to cut the car insurance cost

According to latest news in the BBC website-

"Drivers are being hit with big increases in the cost of car insurance, even if they have never made a claim. According to the Automobile Association, the average comprehensive premium has gone up by more than 20% in the past year."

The necessary steps can be taken to avoid these increasing expenses in car insurance

High deductibles: a common thumb rule. But easiest way to reduce the costs.

Maintain your car: Well maintained car usually removes towing. Keep the spare keys of the car in case it gets stuck up inside.

Switch insurer:
You can check out few alternate insurers. Now a days it’s 100% online. You can just get the quotes online in few seconds only.

Add on the safety devices:
Though safety devices may cost a bit in the beginning., but may reduce the premium costs.

Minimising the number of drivers:
Few insurance policies can be less expensive of husband and wife are driving a car. But Insuring children can be expensive.

Your next car:
Go for the car with less maintenance.

Defensive Driving course:
You can also complete this course 100% online. Many websites provide these like

More info in my another post.